Check my table of contents and just jump to the section for whichever ship you felt like choosing. The definitive guide on the “right” way to earn credits with any of the three ships offered when you start the game.

Starting with a Sparrow, aka “Super Grind”.But as currently Quarg only fight as individual nomads, the statement "once you are powerful enough to farm Quarg ships, there are no real challenges left in the game anyway" is unfortunately mostly true. If the Quarg had strong and wide controlled sectors, and fought you as a fleet similar to how other races fight their enemies, then the gap between "ambushing and plundering one Quarg scout" and "taking on the Quarg as a whole" would be huge. Perhaps some other races should even refuse service to enemies of the Quarg, being afraid of reprisals for aiding Quarg enemies. And if you become a Quarg enemy, their scouts should hunt and attack you and your fleet far and wide across the galaxy, not just camp in their home sector. Quargs should have entire defence fleets like other races, not just one-off ships. But the game never actually follows through with consequences of becoming the enemy of the Quarg. In the game's storyline, the Quarg even warn you how nobody ever wants to get on their bad side, and its reinforced by description of the Quarg defenses when you try to sell them. I think the issue is that the Quarg only ever show up in 1-2 ships, and generally have indifferent attitude to you plundering their tech beyond the immediate battle. I saw that their reactors and cooler wasn't already lootable and when you look at the description of the Intrusion countermeasures it's write "no one wants to be caught by the Quarg with stolen technology" so I proposed that because I think that their creator already prepared something similar about that. And i'm not against best stuff, but I just think that something less better, less expensive and unlootable (or with huge penalty) could be enough. Because it's not so hard to dismiss a Quargship, you can do it with a lot of firebirds too, I didn't tried it but i'm sure that you can do it with ~20 firebirds or less than 8 bactrians if you don't mind to lose 1 or 2, so you don't need to be so rich to do that, just loot several good reactors. And when your ships with ~150 of shield generation and ~1700 dps become 600 SG and 6000 dps (and 600 ion dps !), you jump to strong to Godmode. Because, if you farm the Korath, with their reactors at 14000000 it's already easy but at least the rest of the stuff wasn't at the same prices. I don't really agree with you because I couldn't take tribute from 50% of the Republic's planet and with 8 bactarians with Human/Korath stuff you can easily lost ships against several republic ships and furthermore, it was harder to make money anyway. Why their stuff don't have characteristics like all the other aliens ? Is the stuff will be forbidden by the human with some Huge penalty or something like that ? I don't really understand their characteristics when all in the game try to be balanced. Example : Shield generation 600->300, for 120kg it's 2x more efficient that the best human shield, it's enough no ? But the worse is with the Quarg skylance 3000 dps and 600 ion damage for 60 kg, ok it cost 1800 firing energy/seconde but on a Bactrian you can put 2 Korath Tek'nel Reactor (1626 energy for 140kg) so you can use 2 Quarg skylance without problem. My Bactrians do 6000 dps ! No seriously, either it needs to be less effective and less expensive or it needs to be impossible to steal it (maybe both, impossible to steal it and the Quarg can sell you their stuff which would become less effective (and almost the same price). Farming 1 hour of Quarg ship can make about of moneys, and their stuff. All is in the title, for the cost or the effeciency of their stuff, the Quarg make the game too easy.